Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How To Unit-Test an Annotation Processor

The Issue

I have been developing lately an annotation processor and found that unit-testing it is not as trivial as it might sound.

Some would say "You just need to mock all of the java.lang.model.* packages and that's it!" Unfortunately mocking these elements is not as easy as it might appear and I don't really find a reason why to do this other than speeding up the test suite, this alternative has to be taken real seriously and prioritize the test time / development effort.

The solution

The path I went through is invoking the Java compiler within my unit tests. Doing this is kind of straightforward but some considerations must be taken.

  • In order for the tests to be repeatable, please make sure your working directory is invariant, maven does a good job at this.
  • It's easier if your annotation processor can be auto-discovered. This is place the appropriate "javax.annotation.processing.Processor" file on META-INF/services/
  • Make sure you delete the junk files after you have tested. Since we're going to compile classes some .class files may appear, it is not mandatory to delete them but they would get mixed with the source code which is not nice at all.
Now that we've taken care of the errands, I present you a generic annotation processing test case which you can use for your unit tests.

Please note that this is not the only (or strictly the best) way of doing this but is a way and I like it so, here is the code:

First, we have a simple interface which we will implement to build our test cases, implementations return the list of files to compile and then might verify if the compilation has failed of there were some compilation messages.

Next, we have a really simple sample implementation of a smoke test which verifies that no "Critical Warnings" or "Compiler Errors" have been issued from a valid configuration.

Finally we have the test class. For this I make use of the parameterized test runner that JUnit 4 provides and the parameters are exactly the different implementations of our simple interface.

Please note that in order to be completely generic, this unit test must obtain its parameters from configuration nevertheless I made it like this for the sake of simplicity and just keeping note of the room for improvement.

After this it is just boilerplate code, get the compiler, configure the file manager, compiling the relevant files, invoking the test and finally cleaning up after ourselves.

Please feel free to modify or upgrade this test case and I hope you find it as useful as it is to me. 

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