It's true that the right thing to do when we're designing our backend is to try and do the whole functionality as independent of the context as possible but sometimes having a bean that depends on the context makes the application logic so simple, elegant and easy to code that we're tempted to make things that way, for example, if we're coding an application logic that depends a lot on the information of the currently logged user it would be really handy to have in our bean something like this:
private CurrentUser currentUser
And then get the data as we please. But the thing is with the prototype scope or singleton scope it would be very difficult to achieve this, specially when a lot of users ar accessing the app simultaneously. So to this purpose we'll configure the AOP scoped proxies.
First of all, we'll speak about the dependencies we need:
- Spring AOP, to have the AOP functionality in our application.
- CGLIB if we're going to have proxies for classes that doesn't implement any interface.
Then, we'll have our standard configuration but apart from that, some special configuration so spring can tell which request matches to which thread and thus access the session and request scopes.
We'll add the following lines in our web.xml file:
Finally we configure the bean to be session scoped or request scoped: @Service
@Scope(value="session",proxyMode= ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class CurrentUser implements Serializable {
//session data here
If we're configuring our beans in the XML fashion, then we add the tag:
<bean ... scope="session">
To our bean definition and that's it. Really easy and really clean because our bean logic doesn't get dirty with Servlet spec classes and if we need to switch this logic to be for instance a desktop application, we can always switch the bean to be singleton and take care of it by ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your useful tips.
When I put the tag as you mention, I got the error as follows:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'listener'. One of '{"
beans":import, "":alias, "":bean,
WC[##other:""]}' is expected.
I am new in Spring. Please help if you have a chance.
I meant I put this listener tag in web.xml, I got the error above.
Thanks, nice tip.