Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Migration of a Maven-based project to Gradle

Recently I've started noticing that some of the big names in java open source have migrated their builds from Maven to Gradle.

To my own development needs, Maven was good enough, so for some time I remained sceptic with Gradle and carried on working with the former. Today I gave Gradle an opportunity and so far I find it has been amazing.

As with any new technology, to gain adoption you can't just simply be "better" because for most of the people, changing stuff require a lot of effort, so marginal improvements are simply not strong enough, you need to be radically better. I believe the creators of Gradle had this in mind when they created this tool.

The learning Curve

Any tool has it's own learning curve so, before I even tried to do something with it, I started reading the documentation. At the very beginning, it seemed to me that Gradle was just a pretty redo of Apache Ant but written in groovy and I started wondering why I was wasting my time on that. 

My advice for those who get the same initial feeling is: carry on reading, it's going to get good really soon.

After reading the quick-start chapter of the Gradle documentation I was able to see the power of this tool but still I had the taste that it was something equals to Ant but prettier and empowered by the fact that the builds are scripted in Groovy. The breakthrough came to me when I started reading about the so called "plugins", these plugins allow a full set of build conventions (like maven plugins) but are extremely simple to configure (unlike maven plugins).

After a little more than two hours of reading, I already had a couple ideas on how to use Gradle for building my apps, so I started migrating a simple tool I have for my day-to-day work. I'd need to say that the learning curve is very smooth.

The project I migrated

To start playing, I took one desktop-app I created to help my day-to-day work, this is just a simple Java based app, with Swing UI but it has an embedded instance of Mule ESB. This app was distributed as a zip file that anyone could execute with two clicks. The following is the pom.xml file I had to build and distribute the app.

I used an archetype that allowed me to easily get the executable file with its dependencies for running, also I had configured the project so it creates a zip file that I can distribute without much effort.

In order to start migrating the app, first I needed to create the Gradle build file, this is a groovy script called "build.gradle", this file is our new "pom.xml".

This is how the final file looks:

The first line of the script applies the java plugin to the project, this imports a predefined build configuration that applies to common java projects.

My project directory structure already had the "/src/main/java", "/src/main/resources", etc that typical maven projects have, I am happy with that structure and I simply didn't wish to change it, fortunately the creators of the java plugin liked these conventions as well and made them to be their standard.

The second line of the script applies the "application" plugin, this is a fantastic plugin that helps you distribute standalone java apps.

Next, I define the naming properties of my project, this is the same concept of the coordinates we need to define for each maven project, the main difference is that these are optional. The name or the artifact will be taken from the name of the folder where the project is contained.

Then, I defined as extended properties the versions of each of my dependencies, my first attempt was to not use the 'ext.' object but Gradle printed a warning when building saying that this is deprecated, It was not obvious to me how to get this done properly, so I took a sneak peak on the spring framework build script to get some inspiration.

After that, I've defined the libraries my project depends on. Gradle provides a more concise syntax for defining this as well but I sticked with the little verbosity that I'm used to because of my maven background.

I configured the main class as a project property as well, this is just required for the application plugin to know what is the entry point of the app.

Finally, I've configured my repos. Since Gradle can use maven repos (but it is not maven) I need to specify that I want the maven central repo to be included, as well as my local repo (.m2/repository), and a couple of other repos I normally configure.

That is all for the migration of my build, let's now take a look at how to use it!

Building and Distributing

To build the project I can simply run:

$ gradle build

The 'build' word is just one of the tasks the java plugin for Gradle has. We have many options i.e. clean, test, etc, just like we would expect from Maven out of the box. For a list of tasks we can run, please take a look at:

Also I can use tasks from the application plugin to run my app:

$ gradle run

And this runs the app from the defined main class. This application plugin has also some very interesting options for me to distribute this app, for example I could create a distribution zip file, tar file, and even os-specific startup scripts, for more information on what you can do with this plugin, just take a look at:


This configuration is just scratching the surface of what you can do with this very powerful build system and also since this is just my first ride, there should be things that I could have done better, for example maybe there is a way to define the default set of repositories for each build.

My overall feeling with this build system is that the configuration is more concise, and making complex configurations that would normally take creating Mojos and a lot of reading, can be simply done with a small amount of groovy.

Even though I din't get the exact same result in my distribution, I like what I had out of the box. My previous distribution was based as well on accepting what I got from an archetype, so in this case, I'd need to say that what comes out of the box is good enough.

What I didn't like is that maven does not regard itself as a mere build tool but it is aimed to standardize projects, I've got the feeling that this idea has been lost on Gradle.

Gradle has surprised me with its simplicity and yet it looks like you can tackle simple and complex things in the same way, this is, of course, thanks to the pre-built plugins, that are, I believe, what makes the difference for the adoption of this tool.