Thursday, January 5, 2012

jDTO Binder 0.7 Released

I'm proud to announce the release of version 0.7 of jDTO Binder, the java framework to populate DTO objects easily.

This release includes the latest bugfixes and two new features:

Default configuration file.

The jDTO framework has the "convention over configuration" philosophy and therefore a new convention was introduced: If there is a package resource called jdto-mappings.xml on the default package, then it will use that configuration file instead of the annotations config, so now, if you're using CDI, you have the option to map your DTOs using an XML configuration file.

Read / Write Maps

The framework has gained the ability to read and write maps, so now implementations of the java.util.Map interface can be used to populate DTO's and can be populated out of objects.

The following code snippets demonstrates how to use this feature.

Map from object:

SimpleEntity entity = new SimpleEntity("myString", 23, 34.45, true);

HashMap<String, Object> map = binder.extractFromDto(HashMap.class, entity);

String strVal = (String) map.get("aString");
int intVal = (Integer) map.get("anInt");
double doubleVal = (Double) map.get("aDouble");
boolean boolVal = (Boolean) map.get("aBoolean");

Object from map:

HashMap<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();

values.put("myString", "simpleString");
values.put("related.aString", "relatedString");

SimpleAssociationDTO dto = binder.bindFromBusinessObject(SimpleAssociationDTO.class, values);

These new features enables the users of the framework to explore new posibilites for example populating objects from properties files in a really elegant way.